Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pure Cosmetics by Carlo Di Roma

Okay so last Christmas I walked into Rexall Pharmacy looking for tape and on the way I stopped by the cosmetic section... Long story short I saw this item that appeared to be a little book with the word PURE on it. I picked it up and saw that inside this "book" (more like a case) there was four thiner books inside; three that contained makeup and the fourth was a makeup application tip book.
I was in a hurry so I grabbed it, paid for it and ran out... without the tape by the way!

Once at home I inspected my purchase and was happy to find that this "book" contains everything a girl needs to look her very best! This book is called "Old White Book" and you can find it on the official website

In this book you will find the following:

The Secret Smile- Basically a compact book (case) that comes with a built in mirror and small lip pencil for application. In this case you will find nine beautiful lip stick-type shades, such as: neutral peach, light pinks, dark reds and browns. These lip sticks are very hydrating and they just make my lips feel so yummy.

The Secret Look- Another compact book that also comes with a built in mirror and a small brush. In this slim black book you will find nine awesome colors that you can't go wrong with. Some of these eye shadow colors are: black, cream, gray, brown, pink, yellow, etc. These eyeshadows are great to work with and complete many looks from a simple one tone look to the smokey eye look. The eye shadow goes on smoothly and the color does not fade!

The Secret Hug- This is the third makeup-containing book, that also comes with a built in mirror and mini blush brush. In this compact case you will find five different shades of blushes. In this gray book you will find at least one tone that you will absolutely love. You get two bronze tones (one lighter than the other), two pink tones (one lighter than the other) and one very light neutral color (for a minimal color to the cheeks).

The Golden Book- Last but not least this is the golden book that is actually a small 21 page book on makeup application and tone matching. This book I must admit did not teach me anything I didn't already know, but for the novice can prove to be very golden indeed.

This Old White Book by PURE Cosmetics has proven to be my go to makeup source every morning as I get ready to start my day. It has not failed me once and sure I like to compliment my makeup kit with other colors, brands and pallets, but at the begging of everyday I always turn to my Old White Book.

After using this product for a whole year straight (on the 24th of Dec) and still not having run out, I must admit I am very, VERY impressed and will be purchasing me some more products from this makeup line. Im so much of a fan I even became a fan of it on facebook, that's how you know I am devoted to this somewhat new brand.

Give it a try and let me know how you like it!

PURE Old White Book by Carlo di Roma $60-70

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